Megyn Kelly on What the Jeffrey Epstein Documents Release Reveals About Bill Clinton and More



The government has really called things more difficult for its citizens, and we can’t sit back and bear all the consequences of the bad governance. It’s obvious we are in for inflation,it is always the poor who take the hit.

No surprise with Bill Clinton.


  1. Like all democrats bill clinton is a pervert.

    I do not know why people vote for democrats. the democrats have been bad leaders, perverts, and criminals since long before ww2.

  2. Nothing we didn’t already know about them. Just look at schools and this Trans BS. That alone should tell you all you need to know about these perverts. It’s not rocket science here.

  3. Many has been identified as perverts maybe because of childrearing practices. MOTHERS have left their children under the care of nannies as they joined the workforce to help raise their children. Many years ago, people were not open about the gender problems as they were hidden from the public. These problems might have existed but as I have said, people kept those problems a secret. Let us help young mothers how to raise their children. I have no children, so I CANNOT make any suggestion.

    • How about let’s NOT promote being single when having a child. We need to dig deep. Children without a doubt turn out better when they come from solid two parent families. I know things happen in those marriages as well such as death, divorces etc. but far too many people think being a single parent is glamorous and their right. Okay, but don’t expect to not have troubles most of the time. Kids need the influence of two good parents that are committed (marriage) and whenever possible the mother, yes I said mother, stays home and takes care of them whenever possible. Nanny’s and daycare people DO NOT and never will replace a real mother and father! Some truths never ever change and this won’t either. That’s why decades ago kids were more solid, less apt to question who they were and weren’t always depressed or overly sensitive. I could go on…

      • Better yet, reform the welfare system so that it encourages a person to work their way out of a bad economic situation instead of rewarding single women to HARVEST more children to stay on welfare and be lazy while rewarding men to be one stands without any consequences of getting women pregnant.


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