AOC, POS, sobbing at the Southern border over “kids in cages”.. Where are the tears for babies beheaded for “fun” by Hamas? This c —t needs to be given a ride to Gaza, made to help, and then see if she has it in her to cry… She is dirt, she is rot. She is filth, she is inauthentic, narcissistic, in it for her own benefit, but the aren’t all the LEFTIE????????????
The DUMBASSCRATS of America just don’t give a SHIT !!
What does everyone expect?
Just look at all of them. They’re all FREAKS AND WEIRDOS!!!!!!!!!
Fk all u traitor, commie, dumbocraps, if u don’t like america,move,get the hell out.Move to the middle east,russia,china,iran,n.k. anywhere but here.U like the enemy so much,join them,but leave America, and keep your praises of barbarians, to yourself, or u may be a victim, they’ll kill u as quik as a baby.
This is something to consider. Here in America we are GROWING our very own Hamas, Hezbollah groups. They eternally consider themselves victims of the “oppressors” (whites and any other non-blacks) . They have NO sense of decency, respect, law and order and will conduct any action/incident to provoke and give the finger to those of use who pay their bills, try to educate them and ALLOW… yes, stand by and allow them to exist. They demolish businesses, throw innocents in front of subway trains, breed like rats, murder each other, loot, and no matter how MUCH we cave in, and give them more and more it is never ,ever enough to placate them. Why??? Because that is not their goal. There NEVER WILL be enough. Their goal is to DESTROY America as we have built it and slaughter anyone/anything in order to do it. Their bottom line is not to improve their lives, their kids lives. It is to DESTROY ours. And what do we do…? We allow the “Squad”, we allow Dearborn , Michigan to carry on under our noses. Plotting in front of us and spitting in our faces.. WHY…. WHY…… WHY???? What the hell has happened to us that we are such puzzies? They are winning, ya’ll . They are polluting our schools, our media, our corporations our LIVES… we are sorry for the murderer who is trying to annihilate us and our kids, our way of life. …. WHY?
AOC, POS, sobbing at the Southern border over “kids in cages”.. Where are the tears for babies beheaded for “fun” by Hamas? This c —t needs to be given a ride to Gaza, made to help, and then see if she has it in her to cry… She is dirt, she is rot. She is filth, she is inauthentic, narcissistic, in it for her own benefit, but the aren’t all the LEFTIE????????????
I would rather send the bug eyed donkey face to Gaza and let Hammas rape her, she’d probably like it, then chop her up.
The DUMBASSCRATS of America just don’t give a SHIT !!
What does everyone expect?
Just look at all of them. They’re all FREAKS AND WEIRDOS!!!!!!!!!
Fk all u traitor, commie, dumbocraps, if u don’t like america,move,get the hell out.Move to the middle east,russia,china,iran,n.k. anywhere but here.U like the enemy so much,join them,but leave America, and keep your praises of barbarians, to yourself, or u may be a victim, they’ll kill u as quik as a baby.
This is something to consider. Here in America we are GROWING our very own Hamas, Hezbollah groups. They eternally consider themselves victims of the “oppressors” (whites and any other non-blacks) . They have NO sense of decency, respect, law and order and will conduct any action/incident to provoke and give the finger to those of use who pay their bills, try to educate them and ALLOW… yes, stand by and allow them to exist. They demolish businesses, throw innocents in front of subway trains, breed like rats, murder each other, loot, and no matter how MUCH we cave in, and give them more and more it is never ,ever enough to placate them. Why??? Because that is not their goal. There NEVER WILL be enough. Their goal is to DESTROY America as we have built it and slaughter anyone/anything in order to do it. Their bottom line is not to improve their lives, their kids lives. It is to DESTROY ours. And what do we do…? We allow the “Squad”, we allow Dearborn , Michigan to carry on under our noses. Plotting in front of us and spitting in our faces.. WHY…. WHY…… WHY???? What the hell has happened to us that we are such puzzies? They are winning, ya’ll . They are polluting our schools, our media, our corporations our LIVES… we are sorry for the murderer who is trying to annihilate us and our kids, our way of life. …. WHY?