I think that we’ve gotten too polite in the names for those who cross our borders illegally. Illegal aliens and undocumented migrants just tend to invite more people to cross our borders. We need to send them a message that they are not wanted by calling them a derogatory slur that was used when I was a kid, “wet backs” and forget all this politically correct nonsense.
These videos of Pelosi and Schumer not excepting illegals who come through our borders without permission should have been played over and over when jackass Biden was in the White House. We the people should have been informed that these slobs mentioned this. Why have a change of opinion after Biden came in office? Damn disgusting liars!
El Salvador has just decided not only to take their prisoners back from us, but to also take bad U.S. prisoners as well. Anyone that’s a tough criminal better wake-up! I say that should include those rigging Presidential elections also.
Vote these scumbags out. Simple as that. But the idiot voters reelect them instead. Term limits, anyone?
We need term limits for stupid voters.
Corruption and Lies and Hateful Violence is a way of life for Democrats that’s why the American people will never trust them.
I think that we’ve gotten too polite in the names for those who cross our borders illegally. Illegal aliens and undocumented migrants just tend to invite more people to cross our borders. We need to send them a message that they are not wanted by calling them a derogatory slur that was used when I was a kid, “wet backs” and forget all this politically correct nonsense.
These videos of Pelosi and Schumer not excepting illegals who come through our borders without permission should have been played over and over when jackass Biden was in the White House. We the people should have been informed that these slobs mentioned this. Why have a change of opinion after Biden came in office? Damn disgusting liars!
Concur. Why did the wussie Republicans NOT do so ?
Schmuck and Nancy
Sitting in a tree
They do it for free
El Salvador has just decided not only to take their prisoners back from us, but to also take bad U.S. prisoners as well. Anyone that’s a tough criminal better wake-up! I say that should include those rigging Presidential elections also.