New Reporting on Michelle Obama Replacing Joe Biden in 2024, with Rich Lowry and Charles C.W. Cooke



No more Clintons, no more Obamas…. We don’t need another Clinton nor Obama in the White House.

This is a loophole in the 22nd Amendment that needs to be corrected. They should have it so that the spouse of a former president who served two terms cannot run for president themselves. Like if you agree!


  1. Oh boy, I can sure see an upcoming fight over this one. The fake woman against the ex porno star. Neither one of them is any good, but this might be fun to watch. Surprised ugly old bitch Hillary isn’t going to fight for this.

  2. I just would be prs.obma running things and telling her what to say and do.just like he was telling Biden what to say and do

  3. And how would this help the Dems. Everyone knows the Obamas are pulling the strings of their Biden meat puppet, so the current policies of the White House are theirs too.

  4. So let me get this straight. the democrats have two senators who are trying to run for president and the democrat party is holding them back because biden is the nominee. yet the same democrats are now proposing mike obama as the nominee rather then hold real democrat primaries and so a democratic election. it that correct?

    So the dmeocrats are destroying democracy again. just like they did to bernie sanders, just like they do with their voter fraud, and just like they did with the law warfare attacks on trump.

    It is time to outlaw the democrat party and confiscate all assets for all donors and the party.

  5. The real human Michael or Michelle Obama was executed in October of 2020 by firing squad. At any rate, he/she is a liar and a fraud. Lied about being First Lady and a fraud because she didn’t come clean about her/his sexuality from the onset. Its husband as it is coming out now is gay. They both lied and did so much more crime. Why would anyone in their right mind ever vote for Michelle/Mike after all of this?

  6. The dems don’t have a chance, almost everybody is fed up with their lies and traitorous policies. They are canceling our right to free speech, our right to bear arms and planning to remove our right to financial privacy with a digital dollar. They have advocated to cancel our culture, so we need to cancel them.

  7. Just what we need, a gay trans in the white Crack house again. Funny Michael didn’t try changing the name of the white Crack house to something else when he was in the white Crack house the first time. Now, white is the new racist BS, even tho blacks are more racist then another race. Hell they even hate blacks. Look at all the killing of blacks by blacks. Blacks sold blacks to whites and now cry whites are the problem. Even tho the first slave owner was a black man. Funny this truth was never told to all and save alot of time fighting all the racist BS by so many. But then crying racist get you more then sitting by quietly. Now there are white racists out there, like Hillary. who called Obama a Niger after she lost to him the first time. But for most part it’s blacks that cry racist, that are the real racist. For some reason evil always call out their own. We no longer stand as a one nation, but a fallen, and divided nation. All for powerand greed. Yet the racists BS runs wild for what ever one can get from it.

  8. Obama had two terms as
    President. Now he is running Joe Biden’s presidency. If Michele becomes president, then Barack Obama would be on his 5th & 6th term.


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