Piers Morgan Calls Out Queer Comedian Guest



The problem isn’t that they’re gay, queer, or heterosexual, the problem is that:
1 – Their sexuality IS their identity…. AND
2 – That this seems to be the only way that they relate to the world and the people in it.

First of all, if “gay-isn’t-a-choice”, then what are you proud of?? You didn’t DO anything, you were BORN this way, right? This makes as much sense as having “two-leg-pride-day”. It’s not an accomplishment! Second, if it WAS a choice, it’s still not an accomplishment, just like CHOOSING sour-cream on a taco versus choosing NO sour-cream on a taco isn’t an accomplishment. This is very similar to little kids saying “see how I ate my food?!” and expecting praise. Yes, I praise my TODDLER for doing that… but why would I praise a grown-ass man for wanting to have sex with another grown-ass man? It doesn’t make sense if it’s a choice, and it doesn’t make sense if it’s innate.

Furthermore, a “straight-pride-parade” is equally stupid, where there’s a float of two people doing soft-core porn on it while families with little kids stand behind the barricade and cheer as it slowly rolls by? At least with that one, the process of how literally EVERYONE came to exist is on display, so there’s at least some half-ass argument in favor of it. This queer with the pink shirt only exists because of a heterosexual coupling between a biological man and a biological woman … the exact same reason that EVERYONE ELSE — without exception — exists. So maybe there’s a reason for a crass, straight-pride parade… I still don’t want to see it, bur arguably, there IS a reason.

Additionally, if I’m around some frat-bro dude that won’t shut the hell up about “banging-chicks” and “getting-ass” and “titties”, I don’t want to hear it. If the only thing that “Chad” has to offer is his lust for the opposite sex, then I will not stay around him… and I share that desire!

A person who is consumed by, and obsessed with their own sexual-orientation is as tedious to be around as a fuckin pot-head who lives, breathes, eats, and sleeps with the singular thought of their next ‘burn’, and is a junkie. How is that different with these pink-shirted, publicly BDSM-clad, dog-mask-wearing, sequined-chaps people?? They’re just junkies! And their drug of choice is gay-sex! How is that a thing to celebrate??

I’m a dude married to a dude. You guys speak nothing but truth. Everything you said in this episode I agree with. The community is out of control


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