Proof Black Voters Are The Dumbest Voting Block in the Country



The fact that they voted for Biden 90-10 is proof enough for me.

I’m worried about this election. Too many ppl that will blindly vote democrat no matter what. Even if you don’t agree with Trump you can’t seriously think Biden is doing anything good for the people of this country.


  1. Well they are right. the Democrats have been screwing over the minorities in american for 160 years yet these minorities are so stupid they still vote for them

    They have to be really really stupid to do that.

  2. My dad was white but he would have voted for ɓiden. But not me since 1964 I have never voted Democrat. Didn’t vote before then.

  3. God Bless you Ronald. The racist Democrats have done everything the could to destroy the black family in this country. Females get more money not having a father in the home than if they are single.

    All designed to keep blacks dependant on the government, pure Marxism

    • “MARXISM” or “Plantation?? The difference is that with “MARISM” YOU will NEVER own any land,Home,or other personal property. THEY will “give” you what they think you need. The “Plantation” side. YOU are given more to do less in order to be “indoctrinated” into believing “ONLY the GOVERNMENT” can provide for your “needs”. Neither of these two “forms of Governing” has any appeal whatsoever. Just how did Kamala get to be “vice-President? How did she get any job? She owns a comfortable bed.

  4. It is not a black or white issue any more. It is the failure of being educated to understand what is going on here in this country. With Republicans, MAGA is the slogan. With Democrats, MADA is their slogan. MADA is Make Americans Dumb Again. This country is fighting between Capitalism vs. Socialism and until they learn the difference, the two sides will never agree on anything and Americans will forever be on opposite sides of the coin. Getting things free is not free for someone has to pay.

    • Well stated Neil. They support Demonrats but it was the Demonrats who fought against them getting full rights and Repubs who gave them to them yet they blindly support the Dems because Lyndon B gave them open welfare vice the original 6 months set in place and the many have lived off us taxpayers for the many decades instead of pushing forward themselves as stated in the preamble whereby all have the right to the pursuit of happiness which doesn’t mean that none will fail.

  5. The classless responses here show who the really stupid people are and it isn’t the ‘blacks’ or minorities..

  6. I’m a TRUE REPUBLICAN AND I VOTED TODAY FOR PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP AND I WILL ALWAYS VOTE FOR HIM,Anyone that votes for Biden needs thier heads examined because if they do vote for Biden then that PROVES THAT THEY DON’T HAVE A BRAIN AT ALL !!!!!!!

  7. MR. SNYDER, every human being has a functioning brain however most of the brain cells are not working because of poor nutrients. OUR PROBLEM is generalizing groups of people. JUST LIKE CALLING the democrats dumb, there are those who are intelligent just like the Republicans. WE make harsh judgements on others that shows that we are lacking in good humane values. WE have people who use corrosive words like military men are suckers and losers, immigrants are the stain on the blood of Americans. We have ceased to be more dignified in using our daily language. We love to use corrosive words because they catch attention only to those who have less respect for others. People label black people as being a lesser kind of humans. I have black students from HARLEM, some are respectful and have good attitudes and few are not as respectful as others.There are some people who call a judge deranged, and worst the person who labeled the judge as deranged has not taken up law and was presumed that this person had a decoy who sat for his MBA. In the mid 60’s I was a student at the UNIVERSITY OF PENN and sat in a class in one of the Wharton College CLASSROOMS, which was presumably a school that Trump attended his MBA CLASS. People who are unkind will get what they deserve when they are close to dying. We have a white policeman who screamed at the blacks when they were crossing the streets that delayed his driving. When he got sick, the doctors cannot give him a specific diagnosis. He asked me why so I told him being a nurse that it is wakeup call because he goes to church but very unkind to the black church goers, so he did not get his blessings. I told him to change his behavior and pray for atonement of his sins, he did and was able to live longer. WE have a good governor but was influenced by a son-in-law who was corrupt and cheated. When he got sick, no doctor can give him a diagnosis until he died. I do believe that one day in our lifetime, we will be given a wake up call for the behavior we have demonstrated. Another evidence is a principal of a college who was unkind. When she was dying the caretakers saw some creatures with horns crawling under her bed until she died. WE live as if we are immune to bad events during our lifetime. WE judge people without knowing their backgrounds. WE make comments that are not conducive to maintaining good human relationships. Whatever language we use is a reflection of who we are.I have enjoyed life in this planet earth for 86 years and have been mistreated but those who mistreated me got what they deserved. Thanks God that I am blessed with no health challenges. Grateful to my mother who taught me assertiveness to stand for my right and be humble and forgiving to those who cross my path. I do not brag about my achievement and let my achievement speak for me. I received a NYS GOVERNOR’S AWARD, excellence award in my job and other awards from different communities that I worked with. I was caught by surprise when the Archbishop of Washington DC sent a good commendation to the priest in NYC when I got married. ONE time in a nurse’s convention in South Carolina the president of an organization mentioned me as her mentor hence she got elected to a nursing organization as a president first time in 100 years. I was not in attendance, so the nurse when she came home asked for an apology because she was rude to me. Reason why I sharing this is to show that humility and forgiveness are assets we need to develop if we do not have these attributes or maybe help us look into ourselves on how we speak and behave with others. The daily language we use is a sure sign of who we are and what kind of level of education we have attained. Corrosive language just how our former president utilizes to demean others does not go well among intelligent, respectful people. His corrosive language, demeanor and relationships with porn stars are not conducive to good leadership, may be these behaviors are admired by people who are demonized and worship money as a vehicle to win others that may not last long until people with dignity will be able to catch up with them.MAY our good LORD send HIS WAKE UP CALL before one’s soul is judged on their last breath. Let us learn to temper our language and attitude with others. Thanks for reading my post, my humble evangelization!

    • That was rude. Not all blacks are stupid for one thing there have been blacks with very high iq’s. Don’t know where you live or what kind of black people are in your area but I have known quite a few in my life time that are highly intelligent speak normally and are super polite. You cannot just lump them all in the same pot.

  8. I beg to differ. It’s the indoctrinated of the last 60 years that are the dumbest voters. Blacks are a part of that and have been since Johnson made welfare a way of life for them when he changed from a 6 month plan to the current forever plan and in the early 60s the public education systems were changed to indoctrination systems by the commies for which nothing was done and they escalated the indoctrination plans.

  9. It is not just the blacks, as the democrats will lie steal and cheat any voter that they can flip by using methods similar to what the Nazi used to corrupt the people of Germany. Look for election cycle after election cycle the democrats have made promises to the blacks that if I get elected, I will get you this and that, now reality is that once they get your vote, they disappear for the next four years and never deliver.

  10. Black people in america are ridiculous. their stupidity is on display every day.

    they demand reparations for something that happened 170 years ago. A enterprise that was started by the blacks themselves and was centered in Somalia thousands of years before america existed.

    they claim they are being oppressed while getting special benefits.

    they vote for the KKK democrats.

  11. It’s so confusing to me how much hate there is in this world. Where have a morals gone. We are all human with the same bodies yet we hate all these people be need to heal the world and start caring for each other. Trump doesn’t care about anyone refuses to believe he lost the las election caused an insurrection. Promises revenge on everyone who is against him on day one if he gets back in office. He reflects nothing but hate to me he takes you rights away from you. Let’s stop judging people. That’s never been our job to begin with. I use want for everyone to share the love. Let’s care about each other and stop putting everyone down or take away their choices as it is their choices not yours

  12. Thank you Sheila Sizemore: I totally agree with your comments. A lot of people do not think twice before spitting out their criticisms. We are all sinners in a different degree but to cast on other people criticisms that are unfounded is a transgression. There are good and bad people in any group but to generalize a group is a sign of less educated minds. NO wonder we have truant children because some of the parents have not taught the simple love of neighbors and even love themselves, hence many young people commit suicide. Criminals come from the rich and the poor, they depend on their upbringing or the environment they have been exposed. WILL keep praying and reminding others that hatred and anger will predominate if some of us who of have kinder attitudes will fail to pray and remind those who are blinded by hatred. Caring for one another seems rare these days, hence we are having a chaotic world. MAY GOD BLESS those who care.

  13. We are all “ people of color” whether white, black, brown, red or yellow. Color is not the issue, as Obama would make you believe “ the racial devide” HE created. It isn’t about color, it is about what is in one’s heart. We are all part of God’s creation, none better than another. God didn’t create prejudice, human kind did. And Obama wants a race war, so we can destroy each other over perceived injustices. He keeps playing the “ race card”, and encouraging others to follow his lead. We have to rebuke that, and accept each other as part of God’s creation, no matter the color of one’s skin.

    • Well said and absolutely correct. But who controls what politicians are ALLOWED to participate? Satan does; When you vote, YOU are voting in Satan’s system AND approving of that system! The Bible tells us; Luke 4:5 So he (Satan) brought him (Jesus) up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time. 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 If you, therefore, do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.” This is verified in Matthew 4:8-10. If you have questions, please ask or email me with your doubts/questions; [email protected]. I can also direct you to a FREE online Bible study course that you can use, not only freely, but at your convenience.

  14. Well for five decades as they get poorer and more uneducated it becomes genetic in their brain! Pus screaming racism daily that becomes ingrained! Thee black communities were prosperous pre 60, when they tried to mix races. The one. That could left the ones who couldn’t behind. That was the start of slums!

  15. MAY I request all of us to be a little kinder. Why do we keep ourselves hateful for others? GOD CREATED US as equals as in the ability to breathe and take care of ourselves, ENJOY the blessings that God has provided for us. MAY OUR GOOD LORD ENLIGHTEN US AND LEARN TO LOVE OUR NEIGHBORS AS WE LOVE OURSELVES!


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