Proof January 6 Committee HID EVIDENCE Exonerating Trump!



Liz Chaney and her dad need to be in prison



  1. Pelosi, Thompson, Cheney, Biden, Harris, Schumer, Raskin, Clinton, Schiff , Swallwell——serial lying sacks of ___.

    Prosecute the corrupt Jan.6th Marxists

    • It is called sedition. OFFICIALS that undermine the President of the United States, with contrived “evidence,” while using their office to promote and discredit exculpatory evidence is a betrayal of the country. Jeopardizing national security, by force-placing a knowingly corrupt and compromised individual as president, should be punished as was done the Rosenbergs!

  2. Let us see the real truths.Many has made conclusions about the corruption that erupted in JANUARY 6. I guess people saw all the tapes and yet do not believe what they see. MINDS ae easily corrupted if one is already corrupted in some degree. Many people get blinded by facts because I BET THE DEMONS are working hard to make people blind even if their eyes are opened. In my 85-86 years in this planet earth, truth does not come out easily until the offenders get hit with some unwanted events. We are easy to condemn people but hard to accept if we are the ones condemned. In my professional life, I have been harshly treated but with my mother’s and oldest brother’s advice, it is good to remain humble because what we got confronted with brings us good experiences that it will surprise us in the next years of our lives. I am happy to say that in the end, I received blessings that I NEVER anticipated. PRAYERS and humility are the best weapons to gain some happiness and blessings in the next chapter of our lives. May our good LORD enlighten us and learn some experiences that give us many good lessons to learn and gain.

    • List Cheney should get the death penalty for treason.Corruption slander and several other crimes that lives chaney and nancy pelosi and chuck schumer and joe biden and hillary clinton have done

  3. If a democrat or RINO is talking, they are lying! I cannot say the EVERY single one of them are liars, thieves, or evil, but the ones with the biggest mouths seem to be!!!

  4. And all this time the people who were arrested for Jan. 6, at the Capitol are still sitting in jail, locked up for peaceful protests and their lives are forever ruined all because these Rino Cheney and cry baby plus the liberal jackasses making up lies and trying to make people believe that President Trump sighted an insurrection. NOT TRUE!!!

  5. But it’s hard to convince demonocratic voters that it was anyhing BUT and insurrection. No one was even armed! Yet in summer 2020 BLM protesters over George Floyd, a convicted criminal, had lit cars on fire and had baseball bats smashing cars, people, etc. and the lying MSM said “they’re mostly peaceful protests.” And the ignorant sheep believed this abject lie, even though their own eyes saw differently. But as Ron White once said “You can’t fix stupid.”


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