REALITY CHECK: Life Is Work. Stop Complaining.



This is the result of a generation of kids who grew up seeing social media influencers make millions and millions doing absolutely nothing of importance with their lives…and then realizing that won’t work out the same for them. It makes genuine work for far less seem VERY unappealing. A recipe for disaster for sure.

In fairness to the young girl she wasn’t complaining about the job itself, or even the length of the shift, it was the commute, which added almost 3 hours to her workday. I hate 9-5, which is why I work shifts!


  1. First of all, I learned a long time ago the 9 to 5 job is a myth. Most jobs require longer hours and most jobs don’t pay enough money to live on just 40 hours per week. Plus, with this crappy dummycrat economy, overtime pay is needed to survive, or a second part time job is needed. The long commute this broad is complaining about is more of a choice on her part, even though I agree that it sucks. But, when I was in the daily grind, I always had at least a 45 minute drive to work, most of the time the commute was worse, and had to work anywhere from 8 to 14 hours 5 days a week, sometimes even had to work on Saturday. Had one job that during their busiest season it was 7 days a week. 10 hours on week days and 8 hours on the weekend days. Even though the paychecks were big, it still sucked because you’re always tired. I do think companies could be more generous with vavtion times and casual days, but there’s always someone who takes advantage of that and when they run out of the paid days off they’ll STILL take time off without pay then complain about how small their paycheck is. Unfortunately, this is just a fact of life. Get used to it because it’s never going to change. And don’t go back and live with mommy and daddy because they won’t be around forever. Better to learn how to stand on your own 2 feet younger in life than wait until later on when it’s force upon you when you don’t have the skills to take care of yourself.

  2. The COMMUTE is part of the JOB! Get up earlier make your body get used to the hours. IT’S CALLED TRAINING. Once you’ve got this you will have enough time to do whatever you want. DISCIPLINE
    A Roommate Will Probably Work For You.


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