Rep. Jim Jordan goes NO-HOLDS-BARRED on the Bidens



Jim J. is a Patriot

You go Jim!!!


  1. If Biden is the most currupt vice president and president what about Obama he was an accessory to the fact he knew what was going on and he let it happen and he is controlling brain dead Biden

  2. What they are doing to TRUMP in Georgia and New York should scare all Americans both Democrats independents Republicans libertarians and all the undecided if they can do that to a ex president and a president running for office who is rich just thank how much easier it is to do it to u who is poor middle class and the not so rich Georgia and New York should loose their federal money until Georgia and New York and Washington DC cleans up their very currupt da and judges especially the judges they should loose their jobs thrown in jail and loose their retirement and ever one who has gone through these currupt judges investigated to see if they were innocent

  3. Here is another problem where does this corruption ends next they will prosecute the rape victim and set the rapist free this is what they use to do with drunk drivers if u injured someone while driving drunk they would set them loose to do it again i am a victim of this I was ran over by a drunk and I was his third victom he got 6 month probation i got a life time of chronic pain hell

  4. Jim Jordon is the best, if he ever runs for President, I will vote for him. Right now my vote goes to Trump, Biden has sent America to hell. Trump can bring it back. And yes Obama taught him that, probaly TOLD him to send America to hell. Obama controls Biden, that is gospel!!! Now Moosecell want to be President, God help us, Moosecell does not know anymore about being President than Biden knows. She would let Obama do the job. Obama WANTED a third term and Old stupidass PIGlosi told him he couldnt run again. So he will try to get Moose in there so he can RUN IT!!! He had his chance.

  5. Is it really Biden or Arthur Robert’s?
    The real Biden is most likely DEAD. Probably buried in his basement. Media has to run cover because they are DEEPLY entrenched with THE DEEP STATE. HOLLYWOOD, THE MEDIA and THE DEEP STATE are THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!!!!!!
    TIME TO ACT !!!

  6. So, now that you have ALL the facts and we know that the Biden family are criminals, what is the government going to do about it? Or, is this just informing the American public of the thuggery going on since 2016 but it stops there? They’ll never get prosecuted, or go to jail or get impeached. Never going to happen. I will never believe it until I see it.

  7. The far left ideologs & the rinos that support them don’t care about America, or it’s prople; only power, wealth & control for themselves. They should all be removed from office, many should be in jail & all should be denied any further government positions (for life). Only those who actually do good for America & it’s people should remainin office.

  8. The Republicans do not control the Senate and the Republicans in the Senate are really Democrats disguised as Republicans do even if the Republicans Congress funds Biden guilty nothing will come from it they need to defend DOJ FBI CIA the IRS and go-to the flat tax on goods and get rid of income tax and build the damn walk and kick all illegals out of USA and make them do it the right way

  9. They really need a delete button defund the DOJ FBI CIA and the IRS and get rid of income tax and go-to the flat tax on purchased goods forcing the government to pass laws to boost capitalism in America or the fed get no taxes


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