RINOs PANIC as Patriots DEMAND Jim Jordan for SPEAKER!!!



The Republicans who are standing against our Republican Patriot Jim Jordan FOR HOUSE SPEAKER ..WE THE PEOPLE WILL VOTE THEM OUT WHEN THE TIME COMES !!!

The Democrats called on Hakeem Jeffries to be elected Speaker. WE THE PEOPLE WANT JIM JORDAN!!


  1. Any so-called republicans that didn’t vote for Jim Jordan for speaker have form now own has a bullseye on him or her
    Never expect to be elected for anything
    Now or ever

  2. Jim Jordan is the absolute best possible choice for speaker of the house, bar none. He is a true patriot, & works in the best interests of this country, & it’s people. NO Rino’s or democrats deserve this position. Jordan will not back down to the liberal/woke left/mob.

  3. About time elected officials listen to voters at home rather than lobbyist who who only have one vote plus money. If they fail to vote as their constituents want, SEND THEM HOME where they will work more than three days a week.

  4. Notice their names. Have you ever heard anything from them? NO! They are striving for their 15 minutes of fame. What should happen is each person will be primaries for their office. After this they gonna have a VERY difficult time winning their office.

  5. Is there reason for existence of Rino’s. What do they contribute to Republican Party besides make trouble. Are they Democrats in disguise planted like spy’s in Republican Party to, “throw cogs in the wheel” to undermine everything the party attempts to do. Sounds like they are in good stead with Democrats. Elect Jim Jordan as Speaker immediately and stop the damn nonsense!! Remember them and vote the parasites out if they have the nerve to put their names on another ballot.

  6. J.Jordan is one true republican, that doesn’t back down,that’s why these yellow belly,spineless, rhinos won’t vote for him. Your not just screwing your party over,but all of us voters.We will remember who u pathetic,traitors, are and vote your ass out.Were getting fed up with your little games that cost all of us.Get your act together,vote Jordan in, whether u like him or not.U screw the voters over one more time, and u will have hell to pay.We didn’t u pathetic,politicians in to sit on yuor behinds,get paid, and don’t do a dam thing.If u give these commie dumbocraps control, u better find another job,because the one u had is gone.Wake up,do your dam job,or get out.


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