If someone attacks my vehicle I’ll run them over. If there’s a vehicle in front of me I’ll pin the bastard between the 2 vehicles. They might wish they were shot instead of me using my vehicle as an “assault weapon.”
Roadrage is not ok. However, the commentator seems to have some issues himself. That macho talk doesn´t offer a sensible solution to the problem and may incite even more violence.
There’s a license plate on the car in front. The cops can trace it.
Great, and this is exactly why you never leave home unarmed, too many idiots out there.
Self-defense is like freedom of speech to liberals. If liberals agree with it, it is fine.
If someone attacks my vehicle I’ll run them over. If there’s a vehicle in front of me I’ll pin the bastard between the 2 vehicles. They might wish they were shot instead of me using my vehicle as an “assault weapon.”
Roadrage is not ok. However, the commentator seems to have some issues himself. That macho talk doesn´t offer a sensible solution to the problem and may incite even more violence.