as IF that was hard to do. The REAL fool is the yankee that lives in Ohio. can only imagine what IT must be like to know my ancestors, helped Lincoln destroy the republic of We the People 160 years ago, then look down their pompous noses at those in the South. In the 2nd debate in 2016, Hitlery Rotten Clinton admitted that she/it and Abe Lincoln were BOTH TWO FACED LIARS (telling one group of people one thing, telling another group something else). then there is the fake accent like Camela Harrass. YEAH, Hitlery is the queen, child sniffing, sloppy Joe Obiden is “sharp as a tack” ? “still on his game” ? MORONS ! GOD is going to burn socialist/atheist, corrupt Amerika to the ground. and RIGHTLY so
Durban and duckworth are poor examples from Illinois to being senators. We need to vote them out when they are up for re-election and also that poor excuse for governor that we have!
Tim, I respectfully disagree with your last sentence. God is saving America with Trump’s reelection. Had cackling Kammy and tampon Tim won, that would be the end of America. Can you imagine what America would be after four more years of open borders? THIRD WORLD country.
as IF that was hard to do. The REAL fool is the yankee that lives in Ohio. can only imagine what IT must be like to know my ancestors, helped Lincoln destroy the republic of We the People 160 years ago, then look down their pompous noses at those in the South. In the 2nd debate in 2016, Hitlery Rotten Clinton admitted that she/it and Abe Lincoln were BOTH TWO FACED LIARS (telling one group of people one thing, telling another group something else). then there is the fake accent like Camela Harrass. YEAH, Hitlery is the queen, child sniffing, sloppy Joe Obiden is “sharp as a tack” ? “still on his game” ? MORONS ! GOD is going to burn socialist/atheist, corrupt Amerika to the ground. and RIGHTLY so
Durban and duckworth are poor examples from Illinois to being senators. We need to vote them out when they are up for re-election and also that poor excuse for governor that we have!
Tim, I respectfully disagree with your last sentence. God is saving America with Trump’s reelection. Had cackling Kammy and tampon Tim won, that would be the end of America. Can you imagine what America would be after four more years of open borders? THIRD WORLD country.
Durbin is nothing but a commie clown show.