The Cases Against Trump Are IMPLODING!!!


The Court Cases Against Trump: An Implosion of Lawsuits and Accusations.

The past few years have been filled with legal battles against former President Donald J. Trump, his administration. However, recent developments indicate a significant implosion of many of these court cases, suggesting that the legal onslaught against Trump may not have the impact his detractors had hoped for.

Dr. Steve Turley discusses this on the youtube video below:


Bring all of these pathetic cases to the Supreme Court to forever embarrass democrat “leaders” who fanatically pushed for them. The democratic party should also pay all court costs.

Trump doesn’t need to pardon himself for things he didn’t do.


  1. F J Bidet the CATHOLIC “C” traitor likes the ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC “C” INVADERS more than AMERICANS. NO “C” is an American. Most media is controlled by “C” traitors. R and D mean nothing. Catholics have controlled the USA since 1956… Now there is not one AMERICAN on the SCOTUS… Most are “C” traitors. Have you ever heard of a “C” nation that is not corrupt? Have you ever heard of a “C” nation that is successful? Have you ever heard of a “C” nation that does not need to ‘export’ the illiterate ILLEGAL ALIEN “C” INVADERS? Vote for ANY “C” and you vote for a traitor. Vote for ANY “C” and the borders will never be secured.

  2. I WOULD NOT counteract with THIS COMMENTS. We have faith on God our creator, HE WILL judge us when we die. IF YOU don’t believe in God, praying that one day you will meet our creator and wish that you will not regret being bitter with others who practice humility, faith and trust in our God’s overwhelming powers. MAY YOU AND OTHERS SEE THE LIGHT!

  3. Everything they do has proven to destroy societies. Socialism, Communism, Marxist beliefs, have destroyed people’s lives by the millions. I recommend reading the book(The Radical Mind), by David Horowitz. He was once one of these radicals. Until God showed the truth. Watch The First News and NEWSMAX. Even subscribe as this is all explained. Bill O’Reilly, No Spin News, and Jesse Kelly, I am Right. Greg Kelly on NEWSMAX. All of these explain the facts. Not the Mainstream Media that is Democrat propaganda. Everything the Democrats are doing has been done before, and destroyed, killed, and ruined societies. What do you expect when you lie, allow criminals to run free, open the border to crime, call people white supremacists, defund the police, have groups like Antifa and BLM attacking, killing amend looting businesses and citizens and police? The result is obvious. People actually voted for this. UnConstitutional. People need to reread.


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