The entire room was laughing at her…



What job qualification does AOC have for government???, OHHHH, AOC was bringing drinks to the democrat table, ask Nancy and Maxine

Overconfident overeducated women seem to be the most uninformed voting block in our country, yet we still listen to them like they have something new to add.


  1. The main problem I have with Vivek is his eligibility to hold the office of POTUS. Yes he was born on US soil, Yes he is an American citizen. But was the citizenship status of his immigrant parents at the time of his birth? He avoids that question. All he will say is that he is a first generation American. Contrary to popular belief today it takes three things to be a Natural Born US Citizen. Both parents must be US citizens and the child must be born on US soil. He needs to clear that up before those of us that know what a NBC is. Also certain conservative news outlets will not have him on anymore for doing exactly what this woman is accused of when called out.

    • It does not matter. he was born on american soil during a time when we accepted anchor babies as Americans. End of story.

      Your argument could be made of Obama. he was actually born in Kenya to a Kenya citizen and a mother who had renounced her american citizenship. there are so many inaccuracies in the fake birth certificate from Hawaii that even the FBI eventually relented and admitted it is probably a fake certificate

      • IT DOES MATTER!!! Obama was not LEGAL to run for the Presidency, got it because of the race card, and black people thinking they got one of THEIRS in the White House. Look at the debacle known as “Obamacare”. THE MOST DEVISIVE hate monger of all time. THAT is what you get when you have an illegal running for president. Taxes out the wahoo , unbelievable number of “I got a pen and a phone” EXECUTIVE PRIVLIDGE THAT WAS NOT VOTED ON OR APPROVED BY CONGRESS. A LOUSY MARXIST HOMOSEXUAL. WIDELY KNOWN IN THE Chicago bathhouses.

      • Dummycrat Ted Kennedy, the one who murders his extra marital lovers, is the one who got the anchor baby act passed in hoping those babies will grow up to be good communist, oops, I mean dummycrats. No different than LBJ sining welfare into law to keep “those n*****s voting democrat for the next 100 years.” Thanks to the dummycrats, Vivek is 100% eligible to run for president.

  2. IT is unfortunate that their are so many leftists who have been indoctrinated into memorizing talking points rather than actually thinking. the women in this video is one of them.

    One of the reason I really like Vivak is that he is so darn smart and constantly thinking. Can you even imagine a debate between Vivak and biden.

    I bet Trump likes and respect Vivak too. trump likes smart, honest people.

  3. Education does not equal common sense. There are many, highly educated people, with zero common sense. Those famous individuals (sports celebrities, actors, educators, politicians, newscasters, etc.); seem to think they are somehow better than the rest of us, & therefore we should accept their superiority over us, & do as they say, are seriously deluded. We are all equal in God’s eyes. Never forget that. God loves sinners, but hates sin.


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