The internet is clowning on this girl lol



So no matter what her family says, she will screech, racist, mysogonist, climate denier, and all her other buzz words !

Perfect example of a person who NEVER got punished growing up!


  1. Spoiled rotten little bitch wouldn’t start anything at my house because she wouldn’t be allowed on my property. Her own family should do the same. If her parents had any spine they would tell her she’s on her own and don’t come back.

  2. These leftys really need their asses paddled and sent to a corner, adult or not, until they straighten their attitudes up or sent off to the military or military school. These parents ARE NOT raising these kids well and it shows by the looks of just this little bitch that needs some serious discipline! If she was my daughter she CLEARLY would not be acting like this!

    We had these conversations years ago before these GenZs and Millenials grew up including some of those parents and some grandparents.

    The parents wanted to be friends with their kids instead of parenting, including disciplining them, so now we ALL have to deal with these obnoxious, snot nosed, temper tantrum throwing toxic adult children and younger adults (college students) that are COMPLETELY out of control! While we are not saying to abuse and beat the hell out of your kids, and yes, I remember three hard spankings and yes I DID deserve them but my parents NEVER would have tolerated filthy language, smart mouthing them or anyone else, acting like a gentleman at all times when I was out, not some hooligan, dressing like I had self respect for myself and humanity, and ALWAYS respecting my fellow man but NOT allowing me to go down the wrong path with drugs, bad friends, or getting in trouble with the law. Had I done so privileges were curtailed and if it got worse shipped off to a boys home or even a military school!

    These millenials and GenZs should be forced to dotime in the military. They won’t act up too long. They smart off or act up, not only will they get reprimanded but so will the platoon and that platoon WON’T be too happy to be also getting reprimanded! They will make a point of getting even!

  3. Golly gee! ‘Deprograming’ sounds a lot like what went on during Mao’s Cultural Revolution! Pssst: A word to the wise for all Leftists lapping this idea up. A sizable number of you “useful idiots” will also be re-educated or liquidated for not having a pure enough personal Marxist/Leftist ideology! In any successful “Revolution”, the most radical and vicious always seem to end up in charge…


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