The Trans Tide Is TURNING as Vatican SHOCKS Leftists around the World!!!



Conclusion? VOTE TRUMP 2024

It’s about time, but I still don’t like this pope.


  1. There is no pride in pride month.I applaud the ones who did the counter protest.Sick of nuts and fruits pushing their garbage on to us. Hell, they already have a full month for their sick antics

  2. Well, first and foremost the Pope isn’t God and the Catholic is nothing more than a disgrace to religion, They have committed more crimes and have not done one thing to fix the problem. Except to try and cover it up like it never happened, who know what other crimes they have committed and gotten away with, I think the Catholic religion is a disgrace to God Who Is in charge and What His Son Jesus Christ was willing to do to make this world a better place. But the crooks and liars and Even Pastors have Failed the people, because They are about only half truth or lies to collect money and to try and make a name for themselves, It is obvious they forgot who’s in charge and who they will answer to, because they have a responsibility to God and he knows everything they are doing and saying, so if they want to be foolish there is a price to pay.

  3. F j Bidet is the poster boy of CATHOLIC TRAITORS.
    Charlie McCarthy is a CATHOLIC traitor. NO CATHOLIC is an AMERICAN.  Biden is a CATHOLIC TRAITOR. Pelosi, McConnell, McCarthy, Buttking, Kerry, AOC, Murkowski, Collins are all CATHOLIC TRAITORS. SCOTUS is now CATHOLIC.
    Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “C” nation that has not overspent?
    Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “C” nation that is not corrupt?
    Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “ C” nation that has honest elections?
    Have you ever heard of a “C” nation that is successful?
    Have you ever heard of a “C’’ nation where the populace is educated?
    Have you ever heard of a “C” nation that does not need to ‘export’ the illiterate ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC “C” INVADERS?
    Vote for ANY CATHOLIC “C” and you vote for a traitor.
    Vote for ANY CATHOLIC “C” and the borders will never be secured.


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