I have said for years there are three bidens. the real biden is two demented to let talk in public more then two days every other week. these other guys fill in the rest of the time.
Face it, bidens the biggest fool in our history as a standing president. He shames us all. He’s dirty as the day is long. Can’t finish a complete sentence or find his way off the stage. He couldn’t run a kool-aid stand on the corner yet alone the country. It’s a lie Biden is the pup they stand up for show. You know damn well their not that stupid as to let him really run anything. So they put him in the basement and give him rubber stamps to play with and a piece of red string for when they put him in the corner. The fool lies so bad about his son and how he died, 5 different story’s so far. And the fact his crack head son is the smartest man he knows, saids it all about the mind set of this idoit. There no more good days for old joe
I have said for years there are three bidens. the real biden is two demented to let talk in public more then two days every other week. these other guys fill in the rest of the time.
everything the democrats do is corrupt.
Face it, bidens the biggest fool in our history as a standing president. He shames us all. He’s dirty as the day is long. Can’t finish a complete sentence or find his way off the stage. He couldn’t run a kool-aid stand on the corner yet alone the country. It’s a lie Biden is the pup they stand up for show. You know damn well their not that stupid as to let him really run anything. So they put him in the basement and give him rubber stamps to play with and a piece of red string for when they put him in the corner. The fool lies so bad about his son and how he died, 5 different story’s so far. And the fact his crack head son is the smartest man he knows, saids it all about the mind set of this idoit. There no more good days for old joe