This Is How We Survive In Biden’s America



I’m a 28M living in Canada. Our housing crisis is really bad too and I’m paying $1300 a month for a garage I live in. Sometimes you gotta make sacrifices and I’m moving back to my parents place in order to save money. It shouldn’t be shamed – this economy is brutal and moving back home isn’t the worst thing ever.

I was in the first girls place about 3 years ago. I had several undiagnosed mental health conditions and autoimmune disorder. But instead of crying to the internet that life is too hard I found a therapist and a doctor that would help me. I started working out to lose weight and started a budget to pay off debt. 3 years late I’m starting to feel a huge difference in my life and by getting my life in order. I still have a long way to go but I’m super proud of how far I’ve come.


  1. Time to face reality that the rest of the world has to do. I worked after school jobs from the age 12 (paper boy), worked my way through college, and work 8 to 10 hours a days for 45 years after college. By the way I commuted to and from work (more time). Despite all the I taught skiing and ski racing after work and on weekends.

    What planet do these people live on? how do they think their parents got by? Their parents had these same issues and they prioritized paying for these young people rather then having other things. that is why their parents are conservatives now.

    next time you bad mouth a boomer know that they suffered through this and learned that democrats suck a long time ago.

    Time to buck up and get more jobs, get a roommate. by the way there are part time jobs that are fun; go get one.


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