This Just Killed the Future of Electric Cars



The people driving electric cars are still wearing masks alone in the car…

Government: “Don’t run your Air Conditioner and conserve electricity while in your home. The power grid is old and needs upgrades.”
Also Government: “Buy an electric car.”


  1. screw elec cars and the democrats , depletes batteries cause more damage to the environment that gas cars . biden and his admin need to go ,

  2. I don’t mind electric cars. I think any company that wants to look for different technologies is great.

    I do mind the democrats lying constantly to try and push this dis-proven man made global warming theory as a way to enrich a few top democrats at the expense of everyone else.

    The fact is we are at the point that anything a democrat says is true is probably a lie. look at Hilary. even after it is proven she and Obama created and advanced the fake Russian collusion hoax she is still out selling the Russian collusion hoax. that is how blatant democrat lies are. it really doe snot matter what subject the democrats are lying about it.

  3. The climate issue is a hoax, & true/honest scientists will agree, as many already have. Electric vehicles are not as earth friendly as their proponents claim, due to the way they are made, as well as other issues. Do the research, & don’t just believe the politicians lies. The democrats always try to scare people into falling for their lies, in order to get people to support them, & their false ideologies. Any time the democrat machine tells you ANYTHING; do your research. Hint: they’re most likely lying. Remember what good shape our country was in , when Trump was president. On day one, Biden set out to destroy all of Trump’s good policies, which were working.

  4. F.J.BIDEN vote RED . TRUMP 2024 and 4 More.
    The only thing that the Republican are doing wrong is there view on abortion, WHICH IS A WOMENS CHOICE..


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