Trans Influencer Claims To Struggle Dating Due To Masculinity Crisis Because Men Aren’t Being Men



So a transwoman( a man?) Is mad that men arent being men? Im kinda lost at the logic here.

We never stopped being men. The issue is that there’s an entire generation of fatherless boys who don’t know how to be men.


  1. oh dear god what is that??? that is one bizarre creature. There is no one who wants to be anywhere that glob of blubber.

    the idea the a gay/trans men is complaining the men are not masculine enough to date them is beyond ridiculous.

    The “it” needs to stop pretending they are valued and start looking at what real attractive women look like.

    The truth is this “it” is too mentally ill to be in society. lock it away in a insane asylum.

  2. If this “trans” person wants to be with a man then it doesn’t have to pretend to be a woman, just be the man that you are and be with a man who wants to have a relationship with you as a man. Why are you making a fool of yourself with trying to come off as a woman? YOU WILL NEVER BE A WOMAN!!!! YOU HAVE A PENIS, YOU WERE BORN WITH A PENIS!! WOMEN DON’T HAVE A PENIS!! Dressing up like a woman doesn’t make you a woman. If these jackasses knew what a woman goes through in her life they wouldn’t know how to handle it! That f…ing Mulvaney shitbird celebrating when he spent 365 days as a woman, oh please I wanted to break his twig legs and shove them up his ass!

  3. It’s in the DNA of males to be attracted to females. That’s how our species continues to exist. So it’s not rocket surgery that MEN would not ordinarily be attracted to other men, even if they dress up as women.

    Why is this even a question?

  4. Damn !!! If this is the best they have … their screwed … real men won’t be caught dead with this thing. Out of all the Trans out there … this is the best they can find ??? He is what night mares are made of. Things that make you throw up. Brrrrrr

  5. One wonders if that’s why he dresses like a female. he can’t man up like he’s crying about. Saying he’s a female for free meals won’t work. Be real here now look at yourself. you wonder why you can’t find a real man who will think of you as a female and pay your way. Your not a super hot looking model, so it’s not gonna happen. Now if you were rich and willing to pay a real man’s why, you might get lucky. But only to a point.

  6. If that blop were dumped in a rendering tanks it would make a lot of nitrogen fertilizer.

    It is likely the highest best use and likely fall under the imminent domain clause. think how nice and green some lawns would be!!! those lawns could absorb carbon and make oxygen.


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