TRIGGERED MSNBC Hosts Cry RACISM Over GOP Senator Asking Questions About Gun Violence In Chicago!


Gun Violence in Chicago: A Conversation with Dr. Megan Ranney on Progressive Policies and Public Health Impacts.

The city of Chicago, Illinois has long been plagued by high crime rates, with gun violence being a significant contributor to this issue. Conservatives often argue that the city’s progressive prosecutorial policies are responsible for these soaring crime figures. To delve deeper into this topic, we asked Dr. Megan Ranney, Dean of the Yale School of Public Health, for her perspective on the impact of such policies and their effects on public health in Chicago.

Black Conservative Perspective discusses this in the youtube video below:


I love Senator Kennedy he is so grounded in common sense and that drives leftist crazy!

This is an extremely important conversation that Liberals NEVER want to talk about.


  1. so sad. too bad. it is not racist to show the complete lac of moral basis on the left. with the leftist policies and beliefs on full display constantly in all democrat cities the facts prove the leftist anti gun violence agenda is just another leftist lie.

    IF they actually cares the left would be creating a system where single parent welfare was extremely limited, two parent household were dramatically supported, illegal aliens were stopped and deported, mental illness treated, drug use stopped, and abandoned properties repurposed quickly. They do not work on those issues because that would end the very things that they use to push their agendas.

    the fact is all of the racist is on the left. they use the suffering of minorities to push their agendas.

  2. Well presented Gabe, as well as accurate. Those who cry the loudest about racism, are usually the racists themselves. Whenever liberals cannot produce facts to bolster their fantasy; they either lie, or claim racism. Anyone who puts any credence in the lamestream fake news media, or their allies, should be suspected of criminal stupidity. Senator Kennedy has a way of illuminating the idiocy of the liberal woke left, that I find very refreshing. we need many more senators & congressmen like him.


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