Trump Reveals Stunner at NY Trial – Total Game Changer!



Let’s get OUR AMERICA back !!! Trump 2024

Truth hurts and i am glad he is speaking up. TRUMP 2024.


  1. Most definitely. It’s not hard to actually see that Donald Trump has been a target sense 2016 and maybe .before his win against Hillary Clinton. All that’s happening. In this country .is proof where the hatred lies.and it’s inside Hillary Clinton. And in the end.just as all else is being exposed. Not to say how very bad our boarders are and the unsafe measures. From the Biden and Harris tickets in the white house.

    This democratic agenda has deceave the American people enough wouldn’t you agree .the boarders crisis. We’re plan to bring in as many immigration. As they could .only to gain votes . there’s nothing else to leash on American. As so it was with the 2019viruses. That killed millions and millions of Americans people in a country.where once use to be peace .and under one god.the lord and savor Jesus. All the more reason this country should protect the Isreal.

    This government. Way of keeping power and control over the American economy and people is controll them into doing things their way are loose to the immigration. And every thing else .that follows .nomatter what are whom life is indanger. You’re so right. In what you spoke across the .air way radio. About evil want win. I only hope you beleave in your own saying. Because as the leader of this country.its your’s and kamala Harris. Job to make sure .evil that’s. Arising across and around the boardersand inside this country.never win.because that’s where all the destruction and everything else that follows creating .the divided American people.

    It’s also time to pass a strong law that stand forever.nomatter who’s in control of leading this country. Immigration. Are pretty much no other Fenner country.have the right to vote in this country.are have first choice over .the black and white race.

    A new thing to better cut down the thoughts of one side cheating in votes. There should be two separate .voting places .that intern can erase some if not all the tension of hatred and unfairness .can begone. It’s simple.

    To alou republican to choose where their voting boose will be .using the left and the right within their voting poll.

    And alou the democratic leaders and part to .choose their own voting booze. Alouing the same measures having left and the right .within their voting .poll. it will make it very very hard to cheat .both party will still .no where and what the other side is upto in aa sense.

    It’s plain to see there’s no trust. In American leadership are the people. So this change .can I turn make a whole .

    Leaving out sider.and other immigration. Out. It’s time for different change inside the United States. The removing of these different. God. That’s really and truly. The main thing. Defending isreal,by what ever means nessary.without harming. The American people are our country

    Another major push to .makeAmerican. A none free country and state.for other country.except to visit in small group with supervision. And only activities. At our boarders only .in and out. Same if you have to inner act in business. In and out. This country need to be stricker. And keeping up with the isreal.and their safety. Don’t for get if you no the Bible. Over and on top of the Jordan mountain. Is where God, spoke to moses.and handed down the rules and law of the land .that must be obeyed .first being. Thy shall have no other God before him. And it was then the jews isreal knew God name .that name .is

    Jahava God of firer Jesus christ. In jahava . God of Abraham Isaiah. And Jacob. The promise land. Fill with milk and honey. God with us. Amen.

  2. The devil is having a hay day in America. If we don’t stop the left and Democrats, then we don’t have a country. Israel is God’s chosen people and we need to protect them if we believe as Christians. We don’t have a President currently, we have Obama and his people, working behind the scenes because Biden isn’t mentally stable. We are well aware of Obama’s beliefs and it certainly isn’t in the interest of our country. God we need you to intervene.

  3. It is disgusting what is happening. As I read thru the report above the mis-spellings and incorrect words is ridiculous. I suggest you re-read with that in consideration. The theme is absolutely correct.

  4. We need a law that a president and/or his minions in his Cabinet may NOT decide that en masse they will not enforce laws passed by congress and signed by a president- PERIOD!! And I still cannot believe that nobody involved in the illegal actions to build and then execute an investigation of Trump during his campaign and then during his administration and officials lying to FBI and Congress has been called to account or paid any consequences. This past 7-8 years that we have allowed to happen has been lawless acts of Feds in several different departments/entities and is going on now and we are on the tip of an abyss to tip off of a solid foundation of the land of freedom and opportunity!!


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