Trump SURVIVES ASSASSINATION Attempt | Vote For The Man Willing to DIE for this Country




  1. This statem3nt is INCORRECT… how sick to make that comment….Trump in no way would ‘just die for his country’…your reporting is pitiful an a disgrace to public information

    • All presidents put their life on the line for their country. Assassination is a real possibility because of all the nut cases that are running around looking to make a name for them selves. Trump didn’t say he would “just die” for his country. But he almost did “ just die” for his country. I would vote her him, just because of the courage he demonstrated. I don’t like the man, but he is no coward.

  2. Listened to a couple news people this morning and their diatribe about Trumps reaction after being shot. That pumping his fist in the air as a signal to violence. What planet have these “educated” people been on? Every football player, basket ball player, golfer, boxer all raise their fists upon victory. Trumps raised pumping fist was a symbol of victory and to reassure his supporters he was ok and still in the “fight” for the election. I did not on any level believe that it was a hateful or violent gesture! If there is hate in any of this it is from the left. There is NO place in politics for violence. It nullifies the votes of those that voted for the politician. That is un- democratic. Like the president or not NO ONE has the right to negate the vote of those that elected him or her.

  3. I GUESS this is a signal that we need to change our attitudes towards one another and stop being hateful without facts that feeds the hate we harbor towards one another. We have stopped being patient and understanding even within our families. We are so easy to judge others and yet we cannot contain our self pride to claim that we are better than anybody. God has created us equal but we take opportunities available to us in different stages. MAY the HOLY SPIRIT enlighten us and be slow to making judgements not based on real facts or evidences to prove that we are right.


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