Tulsi Gabbard Explains Who Actually Runs The Government




at 74 nothing surprises me any more, but I am ashamed of this government and what they have done in our name. GOD have mercy on us


  1. It’s not rocket science to understand Biden isn’t running anything, he couldn’t run a kool-aid stand on the corner yet alone the country. The sad part is the idoits running things will throw the old fool under the bus when their done using him. And they will walk free.

  2. And the ruler since Bribem’s first day has been: “The Wizard of Kenya”. He’s holding the “well compromised”, world extortionist hostage as he implode’s our country in Bribem’s name. Should Bribem complain, a dime will drop on him immediately and he will be facing the fire of treason with his, “1st Corrupt Family” that will no-doubt make The Guinness Book.

  3. Well said everyone, America needs drastic change in government away from Marxist Democrats and Chinese money and influence.

    Trump is a good start Nov. 2024

  4. Don’t give obama any credit. He isn’t as smart as people think. It is George Soros and his extensive, One-World Order empire of Communists, Socialists and ‘Deep State’ power brokers (career politicians, billionaires, financial moguls). Soros is the one who funded obama’s campaign and made sure that ‘his’ people were inserted into the bureaucracy at all levels of government. Soros is also the one to fund all of the anti-American politicians around the country in order to destroy us from within. Soros has paid-off most politicians and cut deals with other business moguls (Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, WEF players, etc.) to destroy Capitalism. Soros is the real ‘Dr. Evil’.

  5. Agree with all posts! Oblabba is running things, he admitted it on the Colbert show! He “installed” the cadaver in chief as his “ front man”, everything biden does is the Obama agenda of destroying our country! Now “ big mouth, big ears “ is panicking that Trump will win, so he has to destroy him so he can’t win! Sorry, the ploy is failing! People are wise to the machinations, and won’t fall for them again. But—— the REAL back up plan is to install moochelle in as president. The oblabba can keep running the country! We cannot let that happen! She must have to campaign to be considered as a candidate! Otherwise, she shouldn’t be allowed to be the candidate! She wasn’t in the primaries, didn’t get any delegates, is a non starter! The cadaver in chief “ supposedly won the demonrat nomination, so—— he is the supposed candidate, ( for now) but his usefulness is quickly coming to an end, so he will be removed by oblabba.

  6. Know who the real enemy is. the CATHOLICS took control in 1956. Since then SCOTUS is CATHOLIC. FBI IS CATHOLIC. Commie is CATHOLIC. A hundred nations, a thousand years and not one success in the lot. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for a traitor

  7. They are not real Catholics. They use the Catholic religion as a shield. They do not follow the ideals of the Catholic faith. Thou shall not kill preborn babies. The Catholic religion is against immorallity and homosexuals. The Catholic religion is for love and consideration of all people. It is a shame that these politicians are presenting themselves as devout Catholics, but are totally against all religious love of mankind.


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