WATCH: California Lawmaker Delivers Brutal Fact Check Following The Newsom And DeSantis Debate


During remarks on the House floor, Rep. Kevin Kiley (R-CA) delivered a fact check of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s (D-CA) claims from Thursday night’s debate with Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL).

Introduction: In the heated debate between California Governor Gavin Newsom and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a significant part of the discussion revolved around claims made by both leaders on issues such as education, immigration, and crime. Representative Kevin Kiley (R-CA) took to the House floor to provide a fact check on some of these assertions made by Gov. Newsom during the debate. This article delves into those fact-checks and explores the contrasting viewpoints presented by the two governors.

Forbes Breaking News discusses this in the youtube video below:


That’s why DeSantis called Newsom a liar several time but I also love it when a congress man from the same state calls out his governor

I live in California. Thank you so much for setting the record straight! So sick of politicians who find it so easy to lie.


  1. Newsom is a democrats that means he lies all of the time. newsom is related ot pelosi that means he is completely corrupt and using his political position for self enrichment.

    California has been turned into a disgusting perverted fifthly place. it is exactly what the democrat utopia’s of Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and New York are. They, like Seattle, Portland, and LA are places that use to be nice before the democrats and unions destroyed them.

    the only difference is the newsom destroyed an whole state. That is why it is so hhilarious that DeSantis three newsom’s San Francisco poop piles in newsom’s fake teeth greasy face

    By the way for all you ridiculous climate change idiots out there: the reason california, Oregon and Washington state have so many wildfires is that they forest management practices say they do not fight fired until the fire reaches populated areas. The sierra club and environmentalist fought to create this approach. They are not climate fires they are environmentalist forest management fires.

    just one more lie you leftism religion followers love to repeat.

    • I love hearing someone like you. Speak the Truth about the lying Corrupt Democrats. It’s a shame their are still so many Stupid people that don’t see it. Or doesn’t want to believe it. That is what will end up. Destroying America as we once knew it to be. Thanks for Speaking out.

  2. The climate issue is a gigantic hoax, perpetrated by those elitists who want to control every aspect of our lives. These same far left liberals have been pushing one lie after another, for the same reason. First, it was overpopulation; then, it was global cooling; next, it was global warning; finally, it became climate change, because none of their other doomsday prognostications came to pass. No matter what the issue, their fix was always the same; bigger government, & more intrusive government control of our lives. They, of course, were just trying to protect us, from ourselves; since they are so superior to us, in terms of intelligence. The ruling elite & the poison ivy league institutions, are, & have been lying to us for years; & they only care about wealth, power & control. The American people are merely pawns in their game. If Biden, or any of his, minions are moving their lips, they’re almost assuredly lying. Do some research, & you will see what I see. Trump was different; he actually cared about America & it’s people; & he left America stronger, in every respect. Biden, like Obama before him, set about to destroy America.


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