“We Surrender”… NYC Gangs Loot Helpless Stores



NYC keeps voting the same way and expects a different outcome. VOTE out the people who are making crime legal.

Armed shop owners would stop this.


  1. Print the warnings in Spanish and Ebonics….”We gwons ta proseecute yo dumb azz if you steel sh it up in here!”

  2. One big circle of lies. Even after all this BS the democrats are only worried about stopping trump. They know he will stopping the looting and the democrats will loses the criminals votes. That’s what the democrats really care about, not you or you stores. Keep voting the democrats in office and expect more of the same. You choice, and your problem in places like ny and other blue states. Goid luck

  3. FLEE, FIGHT, SUBMIT, OR DIE : Unlike non-human societies – bees, for example. – individuals in human societies find it difficult to COMPREHEND their individual responsibility so they invent mores, traditions, laws – and consequences. When those boundaries are dysfunctional, then chaos arises. This is what is happening to New York. Those who can are fleeing. Those who cannot will submit, will fight, or will be extinguished.

    The “…fundamental transformation of America, ” advocated and orchestrated by Barack Obama and his acolytes, is having both intended and unintended consequences. The New World Order of a socialist utopia is not working out that well for Americans.

    Change is a universal constant. There is nothing inherently wrong with it. It is, however, uncomfortable and often destructive. In the natural world one adapts to change, one flees or dies. In the world of humans there is another option: one can change the agents of the change and thus alter the paradigm.

    The moral here is that New York – America for that matter – has the power to affect the agents that are causing the changes that are forcing them to either flee, submit, fight or die.

    It has the way. Whether it has the will, that’s another story.


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