WHOOPS! Clinton Makes Critical Error After Former First Lady’s Death



Bill obviously has a lot of stress on his conscience. He can’t help knowing that his days of evading justice are coming to an end and it is showing in his communications. This is what should be reported.

Bill be having a Joe moment, I wouldn’t expect anything from the man who flew on the Lolita express so many times…pathetic


  1. Bill alias Slick Willy, and Crooked Hillary are the 2 most vile, corrupt completely immoral phony people in the history of the world.

    43 times on Jeffrey Epstein’s jet, can’t wait for the investigation when Trump wins in 2024

  2. One wonders if Bill still has that cigar. Lol he could give to old Joe to sniff from time to time. You can see how their all democrats and get democrat justice, while Republicans get a different form of justice from the democrat government in charge now. Look no farther then the obamas, Clinton’s and the Biden crime family’s to see the truth of my words. Like them or not one speaks words of truth in the face of deception and lies from others for the power to rule.

  3. The complete decent of he democrat party into absolute corruption was dramatically increased by the Clinton’s. At one time i woudl vote for either party based on my perceived highest value from each candidate. After the Clinton’s, obama and Biden I would never vote for any democrat under any condition.

    now that I have taken a critical look at the democrat party is it clear that you have to go all the way back to teddy Roosevelt to fins one that was not completely corrupt and dishonest.

    Compared to the corruptions of the democrats Nixon was a saint. Even today Bill Clinton keeps adding to his disgusting criminal legacy.


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