Woke Police DEMAND Citizens Stop Posting Videos Of Package Thieves To Avoid Defaming Criminals!



As a Canadian, please take warning my American brothers and sisters, our country is gone. Don’t let this happen in the US.

We’re treating the criminals like law abiding citizens and treating the law abiding citizens like the criminals.


  1. This is what a defunded police department looks like. Might as well completely get rid of the police department and go to vigilante justice. No time wasted on lawyers and trials, just need a rope and a good solid tree.

    • Totally agree. cops are only good for handing out traffic tickets. might as well not have them. someone does something wrong just deal with them right there.

  2. It’s already happening in the US. Look at BLM’s lawlessness, the treatment of the Jan.6th protesters, the open boarders with no consequences. Our country is almost toast as well.

      • you are correct the stupidity of the leftists is amazing. The only thin that amazes me more is the arrogance of the stupid leftists.

        I tried it talk to one about climate change. they were certain that man made global warming existed. I ask them if they knew that for 90 years scientists have been drilling ice samples and looking at sediments to figure out past climates. they said yes. I then said those scientists have charts showing the climate back over 50 million years. they know what the average earth temperature has been and they knwo there are cycles to the earth temperature. they know we are currently on a increasing temperature cycle. The guy says: “ok”.

        Then I ask how do you know there is any impact on the natural warming and cooling cycles created by man when the actual scientists who really study this stuff do not know? his answer was to say he just knows and walk away.

        That is how stupid and arrogant the left in american has become.

        To me he actually said that he is blind, stupid, illogical and does not care.

  3. Lets start with the fact the police are lying. Posting videos Of package thieves is not defaming the criminals, period. the police are trying to threaten Americans because the police refuse to do their job.

    this is an example of why we need a law making it a felony for a governemnt paid person to lie to and american citizen. If we had that law the police that made this statement would be in prison where they belong.

    Second the fact that the police want to scare you into not presenting the criminals they are refusing to stip proves the police are not doing their jobs. That is a second crime by the police. they are fraudulently taking money under the pretense of doing police work while not doing police work.

  4. Once again our laws prove the guilty have more rights then the victims. How stupid is this BS. Guess it only works that way if the guilty are democrats. Cause the Republicans get a hole different treatment. Look no farther then hunter biden and Donald trump to see the difference in our justice system based on the party one belongs to.

    • Except it is Canuck police that are warning people not to post video footage of looters stealing packages and their brains are damaged from the cold, Strange Brew and Whacky Weed.

  5. So, our homes now belong to the slobs who refuse to earn their own way through life?
    Piss off, doughnut boys, I’ll post the porch pirates if they COME ON MY PROPERTY.


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