Woke Protestors SHUT DOWN MAJOR Seattle Highway STOPPING Ambulances While Police DO NOTHING!



I think that blocking limited access highways (particularly interstate highways) should be treated as domestic terrorism as the highways are critical infrastructure and vital to national security (just as railroads, aviation and marine navigation are).

There should be absolutely ZERO tolerance for this garbage. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Also, Israel is failing miserably at “committing genocide” in Gaza. Just sayin.

Blocking highways in protest and any other roadway must be deemed criminal. Blocking emergency vehicles and critical supplies should be a crime.


  1. If they want to play on the highways, let them get run over. If they are stupid enough to play there then they need removed from the gene pool.

  2. If they are willing to interrupt lives, ambulances, etc., they should have semi’s driven down the middle of the highways or we need aircraft flying overhead with honey buckets dropping s— on them.

  3. I agree with his comments. It would have been nice if at the same time,
    he would have lamented the steeling in stores in plain sight by a certain group of people, we all know who they are. How about that?

  4. Another liberal city that will not take care of these woke crazy people when they shut down a major highway and screw up people’s lives ! I don’t understand how people stay in these shit holes where it’s only getting worse !

  5. It is time to make blocking roads in protest a felony with no less the 25 years in prison. Further all assets should be confiscated and any degrees or college classes erased. The number of crisis created by these protesters is beyond count.

    further there is no way they had permits so they shoudl be arrested just for that.

    I can azure you that in Seattle if it had being a religious group protesting without a permit the cops would have arrested them immediately.

    Bigotry, racism and hate abound in leftist cities.

    By the way all you leftists/democrats please note the you want to tax all the money out of workign people while your leadership corruptly collect massive sums of money for themselves. when do you grow up and realize you are being used?


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