WTF Just Happened To California?!



Better journalism than you’ll get out of mainstream media by multiple orders of magnitude, which is honestly sad. Our media is sad.

The soft on crime idea was by far one of the dumbest things that has happened in the past 20 years


  1. Trump will lose again. He can’t stop lying. What policy lies does Trump have this time? Remember his first campaign promises? Healthcare plan, balanced budget, Mexico wall money, infrastructure money, eliminate the deficit, eliminate ISIS, etc. All typical Trump bullshit. Trump was just a joke anyway. Now the lunatic has lost his mind. Time to flush the orange turd. Kennedy is a much better choice than the old senile fool, Trump. The Republican party should be as smart as the Democrats and also flush their loser before the election and get a candidate that voters respect.

  2. Remember the majority of Americans were smart enough to flush the orange turd after one term too many. And Trump is much worse now than he was then, so he will lose again. A lying traitorous corrupt POS wannabe dictator whose idols are Putin, Hitler and Kim Yung Un. Plus he made a poor choice for VP which sure doesn’t help.

  3. Again, overpopulation is destroying our Society and lives. Latin America’s millions include hundreds of thousands of criminals unleashed as Illegals to destroy Taxpayers. The prisons are full. The jails are full. Every affordable housing unit is taken. Pick up 20 millions and deport. Actually build the Wall and send units to the border to totally prevent the invasion.

  4. Remember, even the government admits 700,000 Illegals voted in the 2020 Election. Not only are we bankrupt from taking care of them, they are determining who is elected.

  5. Trump Syndrome is happening again and many losers like the filthy way Biden has run the whole country down. With the good economy president Trump had given us when he was in office everything was great. Now that dumb Biden is gone, Kamala is worse and will finish burning the country. All Democrats are cheats and liars. Just look at what they have done to ruin the country.

    • Trump has always been a total loser. Remember Hillary got 3 million more votes, Biden didn’t even bother to campaign or hold rallies and still flushed the orange turd. Then Trump lost again in his failed Red Tsunami. Now he’s just a senile old fool. He’s an embarrassment to America and the laughingstock of the world.


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