This lying,senile,frail,old,puppet,fool, is totally delusional,his mind is gone,and dr jill needs to pull him from the race.He has no chance of winning,in fact,he may die before the election.She is abusing the old coot,and should be arrested for elder abuse.Hidenbiden has been a pathetic,incoherant,delusional,incompetent,embarrassing,l failure, and laughing stock of the country and world. get out joe
This man HATES America as much as the Obamas did. He has done everything in his power to elevate himself at the expense of decades of building a country that valued Freedom. He has removed that from schools, children, parents, the sovereignty of our country by abolishing its border ,our economy, our manufacturing. WE are no longer a free country because of JOE and the shadow government who operate this puppet have given us the FINGER… HE is a moron, idiot, senile POS. HE needs to go, any way possible. HE SUCKS THE BIG ONE
There is not a leftist / democrat alive that is honest anymore. I keep running into idiot lying leftists who will not admit that Biden is a complete failure. they try to claim nothing is wrong ans nothign is the democrats fault.
Inflation, high interest rates, the border, Afghanistan, tax increases, restriction of buying choices, the fake climate crisis ( and proof it is fake) are all either trumps fault or the republicans fault.
I am amazed just how stupid and childish the left has become.
This lying,senile,frail,old,puppet,fool, is totally delusional,his mind is gone,and dr jill needs to pull him from the race.He has no chance of winning,in fact,he may die before the election.She is abusing the old coot,and should be arrested for elder abuse.Hidenbiden has been a pathetic,incoherant,delusional,incompetent,embarrassing,l failure, and laughing stock of the country and world. get out joe
This man HATES America as much as the Obamas did. He has done everything in his power to elevate himself at the expense of decades of building a country that valued Freedom. He has removed that from schools, children, parents, the sovereignty of our country by abolishing its border ,our economy, our manufacturing. WE are no longer a free country because of JOE and the shadow government who operate this puppet have given us the FINGER… HE is a moron, idiot, senile POS. HE needs to go, any way possible. HE SUCKS THE BIG ONE
There is not a leftist / democrat alive that is honest anymore. I keep running into idiot lying leftists who will not admit that Biden is a complete failure. they try to claim nothing is wrong ans nothign is the democrats fault.
Inflation, high interest rates, the border, Afghanistan, tax increases, restriction of buying choices, the fake climate crisis ( and proof it is fake) are all either trumps fault or the republicans fault.
I am amazed just how stupid and childish the left has become.