Chucky is proof Congress/Senate cannot be trusted, period. They work for us, not us work for them. We are their employers. They are constantly passing THEIR bills without our permission. This needs to stop and be changed. Their bills must be voted on in the future by us, not just materialize and pass without our input. They are also passing those bills to their advantage, not ours. AND many of those bills put money in their bank accounts due to laundering the money such as the millions and billions being sent just to the Ukraine. Plus, I’s love to know just where all those millions and billions are coming from since the printing of money stopped in 1999. Is the House of Representatives printing money secretly? I am beginning to think so.
Democrats have adopted the Communist policy of naming a bill that will have the exact opposite effect that the name implies. Remember the ‘Affordable Care Act’? Yeah, me to.
Did you ever realize we are living on a different planet? Why have we stripped the term of “Objective” and our Border Patrol Agents are very unhappy trying to support open borders, in fact look at their retirement numbers! Please understands the Democrats and Schumshit are attempting to bring aboard illegal immigrants, provide Healthcare, Subsidize their living with our tax revenue – I guess everyone else needs to wait – ignore our Military Retirees and our own poverty – WTF !
The simple rule applies to all Demonrats and RINOs.
Chucky is proof Congress/Senate cannot be trusted, period. They work for us, not us work for them. We are their employers. They are constantly passing THEIR bills without our permission. This needs to stop and be changed. Their bills must be voted on in the future by us, not just materialize and pass without our input. They are also passing those bills to their advantage, not ours. AND many of those bills put money in their bank accounts due to laundering the money such as the millions and billions being sent just to the Ukraine. Plus, I’s love to know just where all those millions and billions are coming from since the printing of money stopped in 1999. Is the House of Representatives printing money secretly? I am beginning to think so.
Chuck you SCHUMER !!!!
Democrats have adopted the Communist policy of naming a bill that will have the exact opposite effect that the name implies. Remember the ‘Affordable Care Act’? Yeah, me to.
Did you ever realize we are living on a different planet? Why have we stripped the term of “Objective” and our Border Patrol Agents are very unhappy trying to support open borders, in fact look at their retirement numbers! Please understands the Democrats and Schumshit are attempting to bring aboard illegal immigrants, provide Healthcare, Subsidize their living with our tax revenue – I guess everyone else needs to wait – ignore our Military Retirees and our own poverty – WTF !