You won’t believe who had a “change of heart”!!


Chris Cuomo Contemplates Supporting Trump Over Biden in 2024 Presidential Run.

Chris Cuomo, the former CNN host who has been in the media spotlight due to his various political engagements and opinions, recently expressed that he is “open” to voting for Donald Trump over Joe Biden in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. This statement came as a surprise to many, given Cuomo’s background and association with more progressive leaning politicians.

Liberal Hivemind discusses this in the video below:


The utter blindness and ignorance required to be a Democrat these days have caused me to become Republican now…….and forever!

Even if you are a major Democrat Lefty, you cannot help but be realistic and understand that Trump had our best interest at heart in the USA. Low cost of food, gas, no wars. Times were good


  1. Susan, I definitely agree but they also need to be lined up & shot, they don’t deserve to live. They need to go see the one the worship too, Satan.

  2. The problem with every single person on the left is their blind adherence to their leftism religion. they love to claim people who go to regular churches are silly for believing in fairy tail goods and fairy tale stories, yet they believe in all sorts of ideas that are proven wrong over and over. the proof of that is that clinton, obama, and Biden made all the same mistakes of Johnson and carter. yet they still firmly believe in their ridiculous ideas.

    then you add on top of the the believe that their must support their corrupt politicians despite the obvious corruption. The left is every bit as bad as the people burning witches 600 years ago.

    So Chris Cuomo was excommunicated from the leftism religion and now he sees that maybe the rest of the world is not as bad as his religion said it was. imagine that.

  3. Lol really? Who trusts that guy he stinks to high heaven. He lied and gave info to his brother who killed hundreds in nursing homes.

  4. I don’t trust any leftist liberal as far as I could throw them. Both Coumo’s shouldn’t be trusted for how their actions were when President Trump was in office. Liberals lie, cheat and steal to get what they want, never having the respect for others. Never forget about the many nursing home patients that died because Andrew Cuomo put Covid patients in with patients that didn’t have it but they were vulnerable. President Trump had the hospital ship for the Covid patients but jackass Cuomo screwed that up, ended up blaming President Trump for his f..k up. Give a leftist liberal any job to do and they will f..k it up.


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