Newsflash out there to all those who still don’t know this: People are born gay or straight and this has been medically and scientifically proven as it’s predetermined in the womb before birth. Being gay isn’t a lifestyle but a life. Really to those dolts out there who think being gay is something one chooses just to be different. Who in their right mind would choose a life that subjects them to ridicule and discrimination in housing and employment, being assualted and even killed just because you’re gay? Newsflash, we’re here always been here so get used to it. If this does’nt affect you, what’s the problem, really what business is it of yours what others do in their bedrooms or in the privacy of their homes? And if you don’t agree with this this is your right and if you don’t like gay parades don’t go to the any one of the many that’ll be celebrated all over the US and world this month.
That little 6 year old has more brains than any one who is gay or supports LGBT
I agree. A person is either a male or a female. PERIOD!!! Transgenders are sick. PERIOD!!!
Newsflash out there to all those who still don’t know this: People are born gay or straight and this has been medically and scientifically proven as it’s predetermined in the womb before birth. Being gay isn’t a lifestyle but a life. Really to those dolts out there who think being gay is something one chooses just to be different. Who in their right mind would choose a life that subjects them to ridicule and discrimination in housing and employment, being assualted and even killed just because you’re gay? Newsflash, we’re here always been here so get used to it. If this does’nt affect you, what’s the problem, really what business is it of yours what others do in their bedrooms or in the privacy of their homes? And if you don’t agree with this this is your right and if you don’t like gay parades don’t go to the any one of the many that’ll be celebrated all over the US and world this month.