Zelensky HUMILIATED: Loses $1 BILLION mysteriously in the Russia-Ukraine War



Democrat party should be put in suspension for as long as it takes to put the country back on track. Abolished

I have a strong suspicion that it wasn’t a Trump supporter who called in the threat but someone who wants it to look like a Trump supporter


  1. The Oligarch dancing fairy should plant his head firmly into his large intestine as not to lose it as well.

    Over a trillion dollars laundered and put into foreign bank accounts to fulfill the evil desires of Globalists which in Russia and eastern Europe are referred to as Oligarchs and bring about the destruction of our fair and just laws Constitutional Republic by allowing it to die from the infection of deadly viral strands aka illegal aliens and depleting our military arsenal so we have no way to defend ourselves from an invasion from the Chinese military.


  2. I’d be willing to bet it Joe Biden and family are in on this laundering money or it comes up missing but they’ll find it in their accounts. If these states are going to get rid of anyone it should be Joe Biden why is he out to destroy the country. He’s not trying to do it better he’s trying to make everything worse and make our country vulnerable to others, we don’t need someone like him and things are a lot better under Trump. All of us add more money in our pockets we weren’t being picked on by everybody like when dumb dumb took over. He needs to go immediately. He’s been in there too long and we have more problems coming up the longer. He’s in get rid of him now Need to put Donald Trump back in. He’s the one that won the election. We know it he wasn’t the one helping China spread the virus over here to ruin the economy and now I see things online and he’s out to ruin the economy again why does Biden want to ruin everything for the hard work people that retired or live here nor being flooded with these illegals and now they want to tax us to support them that’s crap , they need to start looking at all these congress and senator people that don’t put out and help do the right thing and cut their pay in half. If that’s not enough just boot them out get good people and don’t get people to keep making things worse. ?

    • God bless u Patrick for your post I think that u r 100% right about stupid nut job Biden He is by far the worst President we have ever had He has ruined America and I believe he has done it on purpose and very quickly I think the man is a demon and hates r country Me being from a military family it’s frightening what he is doing btw Biden is NOT a Catholic I grew up as one and the things that he supports r not in the least way the teachings of the church I pray ever day this man/demon will not be re elected by people who I believe really r not aware of the corruption that is the Biden administration I live in Delaware and know a lot about him and all the criminal activity that he has been behind But half the country can’t see it Even a good friend of mine and so members of my family don’t see it The upside is that God sees it and we need him more than ever right now Thank u for your post

  3. Marjorie Taylor Greene should be concentrating on the Banking act of 1932, Gaust Stegall Act,- from the Tea Pot Dome scandal.

    Congress CAN Compel testimony; per procedure that has existed since Colonial Times, in the 13 original colonies, before adoption of our Constitution; has the RIGHT for Disclosure of all financial records of ANY and ALL elected officials no matter their their governing body, or position of authority (including POTUS). And is not required to specifically declare in advance the purpose of their inquiry.

    Congress has the authority to arrest individuals who fail to come forward as directed by Congressional Subpoena, as decided by SCOTUS.

    And their authority includes International Bribery Law!

    • he planning ahead just in case democrats lose and old joe is out he can live like a king, change his name on an account, if he hasn’t done it yet, and go to his own island

  4. This is a distraction. The inspector General already said that 70% of the more than 130 Billion dollars sent to Ukraine cannot be traced. He also stated weapons sent to Ukraine were turning up on the Black Market. The Senate Immigration deal giving Illegal Immigrants work permits will allow this WEF Military wing to be placed in law enforcement positions to enforce Gun Confiscation, mandatory vaccinations and the total destruction of the Constitution and our country, Governor Prickster of Illinois has already initiated legislation to make it so. With Biden Following suit in the Military. In 4 years, the WEF controlled Democrat party and RINO Republicans have completed the WEF controlled Obama administration’s goal of completely destroying the United States. And the Supreme Court sits by making conciliatory rulings to placate the people while it happens. It’s over. Hope you are happy when you watch your family and neighbors die of starvation and Bill Gates population control. The home of the brave is officially the country of cowards.

  5. So you’re going to sit there and whine about it. Your right about home of the cowards since you don’t have a spine to stand up and say enough. If you let them take your guns then you deserve what you get like starvation.

    • When did I say I was giving up anything, I just stood up and said something and have been warning everybody for 30 years. You on the other hand are attacking me for stating facts. You know nothing about me. Also I am highly active in many ways. You on the other hand merely attack a random individual who stated facts. What is your plan, what are you doing to help? Whining at others and trying to discredit somebody speaking out. Who’s side are you actually on? Please tell me all the things you have done to fight for our country. I have literally done 1000’s of hours of research, written hundreds of pages of real information on the Constitution, our rights, etc. I warned everyone about NAFTA in the 90’s, the Patriot Act destroying the Constitution, how 911 was a set-up to pass a 30’000 page document 3 days after 911, how was it written in 3 days. Get your $#!+ Together.

  6. If Biden wins……..its total fraud and we are toast…period!!!!
    Everyone should rally and see that he DOES NOT WIN!!!!
    Pay attention !!!!!!

    • no the stupid students will vote thinking of their loans, and remember they cheated before and are working on it now to cheat and win again
      civil war here we come, never mind WWIII for it’s going to be here, illegals against legals,

  7. One other item…appears like Biden is in the laundry business with no
    store fronts or locations ???????? Hummmmm ???

  8. The comments are interesting to read. the common thread is lost faith on our government and leaders. I PRAY AND HOPE THAT we will de our honest intention in educating people on who and how to vote for the right candidates. We have the tendency to flock with people who have the same ideas on how our government is run and who leads the flock. I GUESS WE NEED time to digest what we hear and what we see around us. INSINUATIONS or false judgement lead to a decay of the right choice of the right leaders. We are so consumed with hatred on others that our faith is withered and cannot decipher what is right or wrong. We have lost our common Christian values that we are always ready with our hypercritical comments on others without real and tested facts. LET US FALL ON OUR KNEES AND IMPLORE THE HELP OF THE HOLY SPIRIT if some of us still have the Christian values and knowledge of the ten commandments that our forefathers have instilled in our young minds when we were still growing up. We have become highly philosophical without having studied philosophy in our lives.


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