Life is Tough, Get a Helmet.



“If I’m going to bust my butt for 18 hours working at a construction site I deserve to be paid for every hour that building is going to be used.” Boy People in the entertainment industry are something else.

Fun facts:
In the original GERMAN tale by The Brothers Grimm, Snow White is described as having: “SKIN AS WHITE AS SNOW”.
This is why she is named Snow White.


  1. These young punks seem to think they are privileged to a perfect life. Like Candance said, “Life is tough, get a helmet.” When the manure hits the ventilator, and some day it will, these punks will crumple up and cry instead of pulling themselves up and adapting to the situation. Good times don’t last forever, but under Trump, this country was doing pretty good. Then the dummycrats steal the 2020 election, with the blessings of young stupid punks like this prissy little bitch, the whole country goes to hell, and all these young punks can think about is whether they are offended when it’s THEIR actions that are offending everyone that’s normal. If a person wants to live a perfect life they need to humble themselves before God and live the life he wants you to live. The reward is life in Heaven after your human body dies and your spirit is resurrected. That’s where the perfect life is. It will never be on earth.
    As for wimpy punk on the motorcycle, just swerve the car into the motorcycle. I’ve never seen an accident between a car and motorcycle where the motorcycle come out on top.

  2. I LOVE these victims. I only hope to be around to see them in 40 years when they are living under a bridge or an abandoned building , or shooting up because life is so damn hard. Or learning Chinese or Farci, when they have given America over, because they didn’t have the balls to fight,,, They are worms….. When you choose to become a worm, don’t complain when you get stepped on…. Quote from Emanual Kant…. So true.

  3. Wow, what a man… I had not seen this video… A manly, man, in a helmet , attacking a woman.. 26 yr old rat faced pussy… going after a woman and her kids… God bless America and its MEN….. Another reason we all need to learn chinese.. This prck will never have real manhood.. just a coddled asshole who could never go against a real enemy, or JOIN the military…. PUSSY.


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